Since losing the daycare subsidy that made it possible for me to work full time running my own business and apprenticing with a midwife, the decision has been made that I will have to stay home with The Jedi three days a week, and only put him and Tiny in Daycare Monday and Friday. On those days I can apprentice and conduct my own business, and hopefully find a way to make enough money to survive.
With that being said, today is Tuesday, which means it's my very first day being home with The Jedi all day long. I woke up pretty anxious about the day ahead. I have never really been a stay at home mom before, I have been a working mom ever since I became a mom. I am not super crafty, I don't enjoy playdates and going to the zoo 5 times a week sounds like pure hell to me. Not to mention it's getting hotter outside, this being Arizona and all, so I am envisioning long days of me and The Jedi, and soon Tiny too once her school year is over, trapped inside this teeny tiny little condo, all going slowly insane.
I think the best thing to do here would be to make some type of schedule. Structure, you know? Routines and junk. I think this also means I need to get more organized and finally come up with some sort of system for getting and keeping this house in order, because now that the kids will be here 5 days a week if you count weekends, this house could look like a crack shack in no time.
In the meantime, I am working on not losing my schmidt so severely that I totally damage my children or end up on COPS. I can do this, right? I mean, lesser people than me have been stay at home moms who don't even get 2 days a week out of the house to go work. If they can do it, I can do it, right?........Right?......................................We're all screwed.
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