Mondays in my house are hard, but the last two Mondays have been especially wicked. Both times we woke up late, Jack needed a breathing treatment, Lainie got a brush stuck in her hair, cereal spilled all over the floor, somebody {me} started crying, clean clothes were no where to be found, the car didn't want to start because it was literally below freezing outside, and the day went down hill from there.
Next Monday, we're doin it right. Wake up a 15 minutes before I need to, make some coffee, and get this show on the damn road, y'all.
A reader emailed me recently and asked why or how my blog URL {radiowaltz} came to be. The answer I'm afraid is not that interesting. I wanted to name the blog Dancing in the Dark after the Bruce Springsteen song, and also because the phrase dancing in the dark has always spoke to me. I think it means to be confused, lost, maybe even have no idea what you're doing, but you're doing your best to dance the dance and make the most of it, even if you can't see where you're going or what exactly you're doing. Radiowaltz was the username I used for various online things for a long time, because it was also beautiful to me. Slow dancing to the radio in the living room, you feel me? It fit well with Dancing in the Dark and seemed to make sort of a theme of romance, love, life, and making the most of things, which is kind of what this blog-and my whole life-is all about.
So, there you have it, Greg. Hopefully that wasn't too anticlimactic for you :)
Potato Barn
I discovered this furniture store through one of my friends at work, and I think its the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I could blow every paycheck I earn at this store, and still not have all the beautiful things they have here.
Steak Fajita lettuce wraps
These are so easy, you don't even need a recipe, but I'll give you one anyway. You just need red, yellow and green bell pepper, mushrooms {I would normally include fresh tomatoes, but at the risk of sounding cheap, tomatoes are expensive as balls in the winter. Don't believe me? Clearly you've never tried to purchase balls at the grocery store. Outrageously priced.}, flank steak and butter lettuce, plus your favorite fajita or taco seasoning, and whatever you like to put on your fajitas, like sour cream, cheese and salsa. You saute the peppers and shrooms until they're the consistency you like them in a big frying pan with olive oil and minced garlic, add the steak and cook just until the steak turns brown. No longer or it gets too tough. Turn the heat way down, add 1/4 cup of water and your fajita seasoning, and simmer until its all coated and flavorful. Use the lettuce the same way you would use a tortilla, and BAM. Carb free fajitas.
Girls Night
On Friday Lucia and I had ourselves a little impromptu girls night. We drank shots, talked shit and laughed our asses off before doing a little Elton John karaoke.
It was amazing, and so much needed.

NBC's Parenthood.
Have you watched this show? If not, you have to, and if you have then you know how much it just ruins your emotions. Its so sad and funny and true and awesome and heartbreaking and everything good about a show that you rarely get anymore in this world filled with Honey Boo Boo Child and all other manners of "reality" TV nightmares.
My favorite character is the mom of the whole family.

Oh, Stephen Fry.
"Freewrite: On Home"
By Kate, over at MotleyMama.
If you haven't stopped over there to check her out yet, do it. She's like me but she cusses less and possesses a much larger vocabulary. Plus her son's middle name is Tiger, and I'm pretty sure you pronounce her last name "Bear". I could be wrong, but if I am, I don't want to know for sure.
And now for a little something to make you laugh...
Potato Barn
I discovered this furniture store through one of my friends at work, and I think its the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I could blow every paycheck I earn at this store, and still not have all the beautiful things they have here.
Steak Fajita lettuce wraps
These are so easy, you don't even need a recipe, but I'll give you one anyway. You just need red, yellow and green bell pepper, mushrooms {I would normally include fresh tomatoes, but at the risk of sounding cheap, tomatoes are expensive as balls in the winter. Don't believe me? Clearly you've never tried to purchase balls at the grocery store. Outrageously priced.}, flank steak and butter lettuce, plus your favorite fajita or taco seasoning, and whatever you like to put on your fajitas, like sour cream, cheese and salsa. You saute the peppers and shrooms until they're the consistency you like them in a big frying pan with olive oil and minced garlic, add the steak and cook just until the steak turns brown. No longer or it gets too tough. Turn the heat way down, add 1/4 cup of water and your fajita seasoning, and simmer until its all coated and flavorful. Use the lettuce the same way you would use a tortilla, and BAM. Carb free fajitas.
Girls Night
On Friday Lucia and I had ourselves a little impromptu girls night. We drank shots, talked shit and laughed our asses off before doing a little Elton John karaoke.
It was amazing, and so much needed.
NBC's Parenthood.
Have you watched this show? If not, you have to, and if you have then you know how much it just ruins your emotions. Its so sad and funny and true and awesome and heartbreaking and everything good about a show that you rarely get anymore in this world filled with Honey Boo Boo Child and all other manners of "reality" TV nightmares.
My favorite character is the mom of the whole family.
Oh, Stephen Fry.
"Freewrite: On Home"
By Kate, over at MotleyMama.
And now for a little something to make you laugh...
more interesting than you think sarah :) i love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks! :)