Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I'm back!
Taking a little break was really good. It ended up being exactly what I needed to recharge my creativity and come back with plenty of new posts planned.
So yay.
Today is Monday and I know we're supposed to talk about the new dare for this week, but first I want to take a quick second to talk about mother's day.
Normally this is one of my least favorite days of the year.
I feel like it's over hyped, and unless you have older kids or an amazing husband/boyfriend/partner, it ends up being kind of depressing.
This year it was not.
Thanks to some very sweet and thoughtful friends, it was quite honestly the sweetest mother's day I've ever had.
So thank you, to those people who went so far out of their way to make it a good day.
You're almost definitely getting into heaven now.

I'll be back tomorrow to lay out this week's dare.
Until then, let's all have six cups of coffee and just try to hold on for Friday.

Happy monday!

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