Summer feels like new love. That feeling in the beginning when all you can do is smile. When everything your new love does makes you blush and grin and swoon and melt. That feeling of running and falling and being blissfully asleep in the grass all at the same time. Pure splendor, with no baggage or jaded problems. It feels sometimes like those fleeting realizations we have when we're falling toward love that things are moving too fast. Like the world is spinning a million times harder and your feet are coming off the ground.
At the end of it, we are sunburned and tired and another season older. Things wind down. Become quiet and soft. Our new love either bends gracefully and gently into the sweet earthy tones and somber mood of Fall, or it withers in the cold and snaps in two. Dying out like a smothered spark.
Summer is a time to be free. To leave the house in barely any clothes. Summer dresses so thin they're almost paper, and shorts up to there. To let the warm sun bake your skin and rub your shoulders til they glow pink and bronze and shimmer in the light. It is a time to run wild. To dive into the cooling waters and let the tide take you away. The season of relaxation and bountiful gifts. Be young. Be free. Fall in love. Open up and remember your inner child. Let the wild winds take you, and leave traces of somewhere far from here in your hair.
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