This weekend, Bill and I celebrated our first Valentine's Day together as a couple.
Sometimes I am randomly caught off guard by how completely different things are between us now that we're together, than they were in those two years we spent in limbo, being not quite together but not exactly just friends.
Holidays are always one of those times where I can't help but look back at how the same holiday would've gone if we were still where we were for so long.
When we were "complicated" on Valentine's Day last year, I sent Bill a cheery happy valentines day text in the morning, to which he said "You too!" and we didn't see each other at all. We didn't celebrate the day together even a little bit.
This year, we spend an entire weekend celebrating how gay we are for each other.
He made me a very sweet, heart felt gift that nearly made me cry {he's a pretty kick ass gift giver}, and we made dinner together. He helped me in the kitchen, and made the best steak I think I've ever had. For dessert we made chocolate vodka peanut butter milkshakes, and then laid in bed watching Reservoir Dogs as we both dozed off.
And the last thing I heard before I fell asleep, was him whispering in my ear
"Happy Valentine's Day, I love you."
And boy oh boy do I love that man right back.
The next day we got up and had breakfast, got our passport pictures taken, went for a short {extremely difficult for out of shape Sarah} hike, wandered around Ikea, and ended the day with an unbelievably delicious lunch at Culver's.
I don't have any idea what more I could've asked for, or how it could've been a better, sweeter, more romantic weekend.
Sometimes how good he is to me is just absolutely mind blowing, and that's not in the least bit an exaggeration. He get's me, in ways that I never expected to be understood by anyone. He knows exactly what would melt my heart on a day like Valentines day, and goes through the effort to make it happen.
Without being asked, or forced, and without me expecting anything at all.
As cheesy as it sounds, he treats me quite literally like a princess, and I've never had that before.
This was by far the best Valentines day in the whole history of ever.
I couldn't be happier, or more in love.
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